Introducing Olla's Country Representative Program!

Are you passionate about blockchain, crypto, and building communities? Here’s your chance to become a pivotal part of Olla’s global expansion! We’re excited to announce our Country Representative (CR) Program, an exclusive opportunity for individuals eager to lead and grow the Olla community in their respective countries via Telegram or Discord app.
As a CR, you’ll be at the forefront of expanding Olla’s influence. You’ll play a pivotal role in introducing new investors to Olla’s groundbreaking APY program from your country. What’s even better? For every person who joins Olla under your leadership, you’ll earn a commission and be recognized as a key contributor to our global success.
To streamline our global community and foster stronger connections, Olla introduces an exclusive system. Now, no one can directly join as a member of the global team. Instead, we’ve launched the Olla CR Program, where every enthusiast is required to join under their respective country’s representative. This change aims to create a more localized and interconnected community.
Seize this unique opportunity to be a key player in Olla’s global success story. If you’re ready to champion Olla in your country and earn rewards for your efforts, become a CR today. Embrace the opportunity, lead with passion, and let’s revolutionize the blockchain landscape together!


Huge Benefits Awaiting


Country Representative: Facilitating Olla’s Local Presence

As a Country Representative (CR), you’ll be in charge of a dedicated Telegram or Discord group for your country. Consider the potential impact: Picture a country with a population of 20 million, and just 0.1% of them becoming Olla investors. With this innovative approach, we’re reshaping how investors join. Direct participation is no longer accepted; instead, individuals must join Telegram or Discord groups specific to their countries.

Streamlined Onboarding: Olla’s Innovative Approach

Every new investor registering through the Olla website for your country will be directed to your Telegram or Discord group. You automatically earn an 8% commission on their investment, even without active marketing efforts.

What CR Plans Available?


Free CR Plan

🟢 Free Registration: Enjoy the benefit of registering as a Country Representative (CR) without any associated fees.
🟢 Country-Specific Representation: Exclusivity to represent your own country, fostering a sense of national community within the Olla ecosystem.
🟢 Commission (8%) for Self-Referrals: Earn commissions for bringing in new investors through your own efforts and referrals.
🟢 Flexibility in Role: The CR position is not permanent and may be subject to replacement by a Flexible CR or Permanent CR representative at any time. This flexibility ensures adaptability and responsiveness within the Olla community.

Flexible CR Plan

🟢 Registration Fee: Based on APY investment which is equivalent to 25,000 USDC.
🟢 Annual APY Benefits: Access the same annual APY investment benefits as any other participant.
🟢 Exclusive Country Representation: Sole representation of your country within the Olla ecosystem.
🟢 Commission (8%) for Self-Referrals: Earn commissions for bringing in new investors through your own efforts and referrals.
🟢 Auto Commission (8%) – Free Marketing: Automatically receive commissions when new investors register on Olla’s global site and are directed to you based on your country. Enjoy the benefits of free marketing!
🟢 Flexible Role: The CR role is not permanent and can be replaced by a Permanent CR representative at any time. However, you will still receive annual APY benefits, ensuring continuous returns.

Permanent CR Plan

🟢 Registration Fee: Based on APY investment which is equivalent to 50,000 USDC.
🟢 Annual APY Benefits: Access the same annual APY investment benefits as any other participant.
🟢 Exclusive Country Representation: Sole representation of your country within the Olla ecosystem.
🟢 Commission (8%) for Self-Referrals: Earn commissions for bringing in new investors through your own efforts and referrals.
🟢 Auto Commission (8%) – Free Marketing: Automatically receive commissions when new investors register on Olla’s global site and are directed to you based on your country. Enjoy the benefits of free marketing!
🟢 Guaranteed Role: The CR role is permanent and won’t be replaced by a Free or Flexible CR representative, ensuring a stable and continuous position within the Olla community.

How Does It Work?

Create a new Telegram or Discord group for your country. This will be your base country for representing Olla. The link to your group will be officially listed on our site.
Invite a new investor in social media by sharing this link: (only for Flexible CR and Permanent CR plans). If you choose the Free CR plan, you must share your unique referral code together with the link.
For every new investor joining with successful investment deals, you will receive a commission of 8%. Auto commission features (free marketing by Olla) are only available for Flexible CR and Permanent CR plans. We will then redirect the new investor to your Telegram or Discord group for you to manage.
*Limited to available countries on earth.